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Have fun with a Dr. Böhm CnT/L spinett (courtesy of Dr. Böhm, Minden, Germany, around 1976).


Plushy atmosphere, ladies and a Wersi W248S.

My favorite one. The girl is gorgeous, while the organ features the "Böhmat" drum machine ("Klopfgeist" in german). What a pity she must be 60+ now.


Never heard of SK Elektronik organs? Me not, either. This SK44 dates from 1974 (picture taken from catalog, really).


I wonder what the blonde got in her cup. Click the picture to enlarge. Seems the boy does his famous "The Sermon" solo. At least the bass part.


Perhaps the ugliest organ ever, in front of the ugliest wallpaper ever. Another one from SK Elektronik's catalog.


You may have got three brand new cars for this organ in the sixties. Own a X-66? I want it.

The Dr. Böhm DIY Organ Studio in Minden, Germany. I had been there in 1978. It really looked like this, lacking the groupies.


My very first organ was a Philicorda 7500. I had no picture of it, this one comes from Crazy Jan's Homepage.


Impress women & your neighbour with your spinett!

This ain't easy, but can be done, like this historic picture demonstrates. Check the girl's make-up and the organist's socks.


Leslie Pro Line brochure of the early Seventies.